Friday, March 20, 2009

Fast and Furious

Today I sat with my wife (Julie) and my youngest daughter (Joy) and looked at a large photo album from 10 years ago. It was when Joy was just born and then the next few years as she became a toddler. Laughter, some tears too, and thoughts of where the time went flooded my mind.

Saw my other two kids in the album too. Now one of them is driving. Time...where'd it go? Then I wondered if I'm parenting well as a dad. You know... lots of love, affection, fun, acceptance, guidance...the works.

Then I did some figuring and concluded that I only have 65 more Saturdays until my son turns 18. Sixty-five! And only 145 more Saturdays with my oldest girl until she turns 18.

If you're anything like me, you realize that time waits for no one, so we better be spending and investing many precious hours with our kids while we still have them around to love on and demonstrate God's love to. So how 'bout you? Has time gone by too fast and furious for your taste like it has mine? By-the-way, why don't you find out how many more Saturdays you have left before yours turn eighteen and then do something about making it all it can be.

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