Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Powerful Drug

God’s Word seems to always prove itself right. Time and again it’s on the cutting edge of what modern man is finally figuring out. What I’m talking about is the medicinal effects laughter has on the human body and psyche as a whole. Solomon, the wisest and probably the wealthiest king in the history of the world wrote about laughter. Here’s what he said: “A cheerful disposition is good for your health…” (Proverbs 17:22)

Today, after getting home from an awesome church service, each of our three kids invited a friend over the house. After lunch, Joy, my youngest, was upstairs in her room with her friend and all the while they are playing, they are giggling…basically non-stop. I got such a kick out of it. It was awesome to listen to them have so much fun.

But what happened to us adults? Why don’t we laugh like we did years ago? Care to guess what percentage adults laugh as compared to younger kids? Half? One quarter? How ‘bout 4.5%. Kids laugh on average per day about 400 times. The average adult, a meager 17 times per day.What I’m getting at is that we should laugh more—far more than we do. Whatever keeps you from letting loose with laughter (busyness of life, tiredness, taking yourself too serious), has to go.

Check out what laughter can do for you:

Laughter strengthens the body’s ability to fight disease; it’s a natural stress-buster; it can lower your blood pressure, increase energy levels, help us bond better with other people and is even a way to exercise. Laughing 100 times roughly equals 15 minutes on an exercise bike? Vigorous laughter increases the heart rate deepens the breathing rate, and uses muscles in the face, stomach, and diaphragm.

Think about it. If laughter does all these things and it’s free, why not choose to laugh more and laugh at yourself more. Choosing to laugh instead of acting all dignified or stuffy will really help the quality of your life improve.


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