Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kids at Every Stage

What are you learning these days? That terrorism is real and close to home, or that government intrusion in our lives is happening more and more, or perhaps you’re witnessing the truth God tells us in the Bible…that we must not trust in the uncertainly of riches…especially in these harsh economic times. We dare not hide and say it’s not true…it is, but it’s also hard to swallow.

There is another thing that’s hard for me to swallow, maybe you too; and that’s the training of our kids. To do it well and to do it consistently is hard work. But it’s more complicated even than that. These days, I’m learning that wisdom from God is at a premium. Sometimes, I’m at a loss as to know how to do it. Thank God for my wife. Without her insight, input and practical wisdom, I’d have ruined most everything by now.

As my kids are getting older, I find that I have to deal with them in new and unchartered ways; ways that I’m unfamiliar with. And I’m having to rely on insight from God’s Word more than ever.

My point is that parenting is certainly rewarding, but it’s also difficult to do well, especially without divine guidance. Maybe that’s why God made it so complex. Maybe it’s because He wanted us to finally call on Him and draw from His vast resource of wisdom, and do it often.

So, go ahead, if you have kids, no matter their age – admit the difficulty of it and then just call out to God for help. If you’re serious, He’ll probably surprise you with helpful truths from the Bible (just make sure you’re reading it!), as well as from other more experienced people.

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