Friday, January 16, 2009

Please, No Religion! (Part 2)

Here’s the video trailer playing in our heads: “There’s this good God who lives in this good place called heaven who saves a place for all the good people on earth after they die. But they all have to DO something… or more like a series of things that are considered good, so then their good will outweigh their bad and when they finally die, they head straight to this place called Heaven." If that makes sense to you, pause and think again. It really shouldn’t make sense and here's why:

[1] The theory that "good people go to Heaven" is untested. We have to actually be dead to prove this theory is legit. No one I know, except Jesus, can say they tested this out.

[2] We don’t know exactly what "good" is, do we? Is your standard of good, good...or someone else's? Who determines?

  • Those who attacked America on 9/11 thought they were being "good" according to allah and the Koran. My definition of good is far different. Is yours?
  • If we did know what "good" was, we couldn't pull it off consistently.

[3] If there is some sort of heavenly scoring system, the Bible never says anything about it. You'd think if God wanted us to be good so we could get to heaven, He'd have something to say about how the "goodness factor" is measured. Problem is…He doesn't. Next Week: (Conclusion)

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