Wednesday, January 28, 2009
A Four-Pack
As he talked about what God was beginning to do in him, I just listened--hoping that he was truly ready...and willing to make the right moves in the right direction. After he shared his story, I began to share with him something I knew could help him in his journey to wholeness...something we could call a "Four-Pack of Success"
I told him that this "Four-Pack" is about laying the right kind of foundation that will produce real success in all of life's ventures. That if he regularly acted on these four principles, he would basically be guaranteed true success. As we wrapped up our time together, I prayed for him and challenged him to live out the "Four-Pack" as he began a whole new life.
The "Four-Pack:"
1. Get tight with Jesus Christ [He is the key to everything good].
2. Hang with the right kind of friends [They will define you].
3. Get your head on straight [Learn what the Bible says].
4. Find a godly mentor [He/she will help you become all that God destined you for].
Question. How are you doing with your "Four-Pack?"
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Please, No Religion! (Conclusion)
Romans 3:20 - “No man can justify himself before God by a perfect performance of the Law's demands - indeed it is the straight-edge of the Law that shows us how crooked we are.” In other words, God says, being good enough is impossible.
Galatians 3:10-11 - And that means that anyone who tries to live by his own effort, independent of God, is doomed to failure. Scripture backs this up: "Utterly cursed is every person who fails to carry out every detail written in the Book of the law." The obvious impossibility of carrying out such a moral program should make it plain that no one can sustain a relationship with God that way. Is it clear? No one can have a relationship with God based on being "good."
God's plan has NEVER been that good people go to heaven or that bad people can't go. His plan has always been that FORGIVEN people go to heaven. Here, last verse and we're done:
"For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law." Romans 3:23-25, 28
You see, this is why Jesus came... to collide with religions that say, "be good and you'll get to heaven." No. Jesus says, "I am the way" to heaven. It's my sacrifice on the cross rather than your good deeds that'll get you eternal life.
Put your total faith in Jesus right now and what he did for you on the cross. You'll be forgiven, have a personal relationship with God, and you'll have a place secured in his Kingdom in the afterlife. It's the reason why Jesus came.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Please, No Religion! (Part 2)
[1] The theory that "good people go to Heaven" is untested. We have to actually be dead to prove this theory is legit. No one I know, except Jesus, can say they tested this out.
[2] We don’t know exactly what "good" is, do we? Is your standard of good, good...or someone else's? Who determines?
- Those who attacked America on 9/11 thought they were being "good" according to allah and the Koran. My definition of good is far different. Is yours?
- If we did know what "good" was, we couldn't pull it off consistently.
[3] If there is some sort of heavenly scoring system, the Bible never says anything about it. You'd think if God wanted us to be good so we could get to heaven, He'd have something to say about how the "goodness factor" is measured. Problem is…He doesn't. Next Week: (Conclusion)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Please, No Religion!
You see, I think religion is a monster AND I dare say a murderer. Its tentacles are far-reaching, digging deep into the heart and mind of people all around the globe. Still more, I see religion as a cold, dark prison that breeds religious people who become addicted to attitudes of superiority, arrogance, and pride. But more than this, religion is a place where the foulest of lies are born.
Believe it or not, Jesus’ birth and life was God’s bold declaration that He came to COLLIDE WITH RELIGION. Why? Because the most damning lie that religion has taught the world is that good people go to Heaven. Jesus came to say that it ain't so!
It’s interesting to me that smart and talented people form every walk of life are banking their eternities on a theory that buckles under even a minimal amount of scrutiny. Maybe people hold this theory because it's the way they see things happen around them. For example, good employees get the raise or promotion and good students get the good scholarships from the good schools so they can eventually get the good jobs.
Because we’re all preoccupied with life in general, few have the time to give thinking about the afterlife…so they just don’t. Until one day when they look in the mirror and see age creeping up on them; or they notice another birthday has come and gone; or their little tykes are now teens and nearing college age. Then, at least for a few moments, we consider eternity and possibly, how we will arrive there. Next Week: (Part Two)
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Beating the Money Crunch
The Bible records for us what God said in Genesis 8:22 (MSG) "For as long as Earth lasts, planting and harvest, cold and heat, Summer and winter, day and night will never stop."
Okay, quick. I've got 40 seconds left. Look at that first phrase: "Planting and Harvest...will never stop." Let's apply what God established back then to our current money problems now. Notice:
1. You always reap WHAT you sow.
2. You always reap LATER than you sow.
3. You always reap MORE than you sow.
This is the law of the harvest. If we choose to sow our money into the work of God in our local churches first and then around the world, God will see to it that [1] I reap what I sowed (money) [2] I'll reap later, not right away and [3] I'm assured to reap more (money) than I sowed.
There you have it. We're guaranteed God's enormous harvest when we sow our finances to advance His Kingdom on this earth.
Question. Are you tanked financially? Trust God and then prove it by doing what He says... "Bring Him your tithe" (10% of your income). He promises to miraculously fulfill His end of the deal. Isn't it time to follow His wisdom for your finances?
You, 2009, and God
What do you suppose 2009 will hold for you? Tough economic times? Divorce? Health problems? Job loss? Kid issues? The list of potential threats to your well-being goes on. But does the Bible have anything to say to us about these and other possible adversities?
No doubt, it does. God's Word is stuffed with "super-sized" promises of divine care and intervention. Here are some things to know about God that you can gnaw on in your cranium whenever you don't know what to do about the problems you face:
- God's POWER is off-the-scale. Putting your full trust in Him means you never have to worry...He's got you covered. Check out Isaiah 41:10 and let this promise rock your world.
- God's FAITHFULNESS is more certain than the sun rising every morning. You can rest assured that He remains true to us even when we're not true to Him. Look at Numbers 23:19-20
- God's PRESENCE is always with us. No need to ever wonder where He went or if He knows our problems or hears our prayers. Never again do you have to entertain the thought that God forgot about you. He promises He won't. Go get a bible and find Isaiah 49:14-16, then just say WOW!
- God's GOODNESS is as fresh as ever. His goodness collides with us everyday. Have you noticed, or are you too caught up in life to see it. Remember, the Bible's book of James tells us that "Every good gift comes from God..." Be encouraged in your faith as you read Psalm 86:5 and Romans 8:31-32.
Finally, the best way for you to experience all of God's best is to live out two things: [1] Love God fully [2] Love others the way God loves you. This is Jesus' command.