Sunday, August 9, 2009

Vacillating, Oscillating, and Other Unhealthy Practices

It’s hard to see people hurting in life. I’d rather give them some sort of magic pill that could help them in their life journey, but that’s not the way it works.

Recently, I’ve had conversations with others I care about and I see the struggle they face. Some of the struggles are self-induced, but some are caused by circumstances and power beyond us. But what pains me the most is the fact that there is an answer to many of our heartaches. An answer? Yes, an answer.

Now, to some, I may be naïve, old-fashioned, or just plain “out of touch” with the real world. Could be, but don’t think so. Many years ago, I’ve found to be true the one thing that will overcome all of my stupid decisions and harmful choices that would otherwise pound me into the pavement. That one stabilizing factor is none other than the life altering, mind renewing, Word of God. Sound like a crock? Check these passages of Scripture and see if you agree that God has already given us all we need from His word to be champions over life’s circumstances

Romans 12:2 — “Stop being conformed to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God…”

We must choose to get our noses into God’s Word so that we can see the total transformation of our lives. This happen by renewing our minds with His Word. This is a must, if we’re going to think the way God wants us to.

Ephesians 4:23 — “Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.”

Psalm 19:7-11 — The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living. Reverence for the Lord is pure, lasting forever. The laws of the Lord are true; each one is fair. They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold. They are sweeter than honey, even honey dripping from the comb. They are a warning to your servant, a great reward for those who obey them.

This tells us what God’s Word can and will do for us when we know it: According to Scripture, it makes me wise, brings joy to my life, gives me insight for living, and so much more.

Decide today…maybe right now as you read this Post—that you are going to stop vacillating, oscillating, or wavering and instead start marinating your mind with God’s Word. It’ll give you the greatest peace of mind you’ll ever know…in every circumstance.

Write me back and tell me about how God’s Word has made a difference in your life.

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