Monday, February 9, 2009

Evolution versus The Human Body (Part 2 of 4)

Why do you think it is...that when we watch something on the discovery channel about our so-called, pre-historic, ape men ancestors, the producers of the show get all excited about an archeological find like a plate or some sort of crude tool? Among other things, it's at least partly because they've discovered an object that reveals how advanced intellectually they were. Yet, whenever it is mentioned that the incredible makeup of the human body with all of its complexity has to have been made by an author with an intelligence far beyond ours, many simply dismiss it. So I'll ask you a second time..."Why do you think it is?"

Check this out. The heart of an adult beats about 70 to 80 beats per minute, 100,000 times every day, 40 million times a year and in 70 years it will have beaten 2½ billion times. As a pump it produces enough energy in an hour to lift 2000 lb. 3 feet off the ground, and efficiently circulate over 50 million gallons over the average lifetime. In one year, the average human heart circulates from 770,000 to 1.6 million gallons of blood through the body. There are enough tiny blood vessels called capillaries that if placed end to end they would stretch over 2 times around the earth. All this is done with just over a gallon of blood which circulates 1,000 times in a single day through the body on a daily 60,000-mile journey, 168,000,000 miles in a lifetime. A child has 60,000 miles of blood vessels, in an adult there are 100,000. Red blood cells live for a period of only four months and travel between the lungs and other tissues 75,000 times before returning to the bone marrow to die, being replaced by the bone marrow at the rate of 2 to 3 million a second.

Hey, maybe archeologists and other fields of sciences should get all pumped up about how magnificently complex we are. And recognize that just as a crude tool of the pre-historic past had a architect, so too, we, have an infinitely greater architect in the person we call God.

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