Friday, December 26, 2008

Finding Mr. or Mrs. Right

If you’re a Single out there who wants to find Mr. or Mrs. Right, but are not exactly sure what to look for, consider these six keys to help you succeed in marriage.

1. Do not say “I Do” too fast. Go ahead and date or court that person for about 12 months. Why? You’ll learn things about the other person that will help you determine IF you should get married.

2. Do not marry at “too young” an age or get “marriage fever.” Too young an age may mean in your teens or early twenties. And getting marriage fever is usually about being pressured by others or even yourself.

3. Do not get caught-up in “unrealistic expectations” rather, talk about your expectations while there is little pressure.

4. Do learn all about the other person. Here are two ways: [1] Learn about their family, quirks, habits, and brokenness. [2] Find out what drives them and gives them purpose.

5. Do mix religion and politics. If you want to avoid hurt, pain, and frustration in your marriage, you must dialog about religion and politics. Bring Jesus into the conversation and learn to put him first.

6. Do look hard at his/her character. As they say, “If they don’t stand for something, they’ll fall for anything.”

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