Friday, December 26, 2008

Finding Mr. or Mrs. Right

If you’re a Single out there who wants to find Mr. or Mrs. Right, but are not exactly sure what to look for, consider these six keys to help you succeed in marriage.

1. Do not say “I Do” too fast. Go ahead and date or court that person for about 12 months. Why? You’ll learn things about the other person that will help you determine IF you should get married.

2. Do not marry at “too young” an age or get “marriage fever.” Too young an age may mean in your teens or early twenties. And getting marriage fever is usually about being pressured by others or even yourself.

3. Do not get caught-up in “unrealistic expectations” rather, talk about your expectations while there is little pressure.

4. Do learn all about the other person. Here are two ways: [1] Learn about their family, quirks, habits, and brokenness. [2] Find out what drives them and gives them purpose.

5. Do mix religion and politics. If you want to avoid hurt, pain, and frustration in your marriage, you must dialog about religion and politics. Bring Jesus into the conversation and learn to put him first.

6. Do look hard at his/her character. As they say, “If they don’t stand for something, they’ll fall for anything.”

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Don't Believe It (Part-2)

Islam purports itself, especially in the West, as a religion of love, tolerance and justice. But in all actuality the truth is far from that. For example, if you compared what Jesus said and taught to what Mohammad said and taught, you’ll see what I mean:

Jesus: “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matt. 5:44)

“Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. (Qur’an 8:60)

Jesus: “Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven.” (Matt. 5:11)

“And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter.” (Qur’an 2:191)

Jesus: “God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy…Why should God reward you if you love only the people who love you? Even the tax collectors do that! And if you are kind only to your friends, have you done anything out of the ordinary? Even the pagans do that! (Matt. 5:7, 46-47)

“Muhammad is Allah’s Apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another” (Qur’an 48:29)

Jesus: "They will make you outcasts from the synagogue, but an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering service to God.” (John 16:2)

“Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, even if they are the People of the Book (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizya (a tax Jews and Christians had to pay if they wanted to live without submitting to Allah) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” (Qur’an 9:29)

But you may ask, if Islam is violent, why are so many Muslims peaceful? This question is almost like asking, "If Christianity teaches humility, tolerance, and forgiveness, why are so many Christians arrogant, intolerant, and vindictive?" The answer in both cases is clear: in any religion or ideology there will be many who profess, but do not practice, its beliefs or doctrines. Just as it is often easier for a Christian to hit back, play holier-than-thou, or disdain others, so it is often easier for a Muslim to stay at home rather than embark on jihad. Hypocrites abound in all circles and in all belief systems.

With the above proof, it's not difficult to see that the Koran and those who follow its doctrines are anything but peaceful.

Don't Believe It (Part-1)

Big question. Do you think Islam is a peaceful religion or not? Do you know, or are you parroting what others say?

As we look into this controversial question we should note that just as not all Christians actually follow the Bible, so neither do all Muslims follow the teachings of the Mohammad and the Koran. Having said that, let’s dive into the real meaning of Islam and you can determine for yourself whether or not it is a peaceful religion.

The Koran is about the same length as the Bible New Testament and comprises 114 suras of varying lengths, which may be considered chapters. You’ve heard of Jihad. Jihad literally translates as "struggle." Strictly speaking, jihad does not mean "holy war." However, the question remains as to what sort of "struggle" is meant: an inner, spiritual struggle against the passions, or an outward, physical struggle. According to the Koran and other of their “holy books,” a Muslim is required to struggle against a variety of things: laziness in prayer, neglecting to give alms, etc. But is it also plain that a Muslim is commanded to struggle in physical combat against the infidel as well.

Muhammad's impressive military career attests to the central role that military action plays in Islam. It is said by Muslim Apologists that only those who can read Arabic can properly interpret the Koran. However, just like any other language, it is definitely able to be translated. Nevertheless, we'll choose to take them at their word and let their own leaders interpret if Islam is a peaceful religion or not.

Consider Hasan Al-Banna's treatise, Jihad. In 1928, Al-Banna founded the Muslim Brotherhood, which today is the most powerful organization in Egypt after the government itself. In this treatise, Al-Banna convincingly argues that Muslims must take up arms against unbelievers. As he says, "The verses of the Qur'an (Koran) and the Sunnah summon people in general (with the most eloquent expression and the clearest exposition) to jihad, to warfare, to the armed forces, and all means of land and sea fighting."

Next time, we will finish with [Part-2] of “Don’t Believe It.”

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Rich Courage

I had a very cool 90 minute conversation with a seventeen year-old the other day from Jacksonville, FL. I didn't know him from Adam, but we were talking sports and it took off from there. Found out that he was a Christ-follower and a leader of sorts in his youth group, but that was the problem...he was "a leader of sorts," but he had more in him...much more! As we talked, he began to realize the impact for Christ he could be making in his school, on his football team, and in his youth group. All he needed was courage... a bold, rich courage.

When I think of the courage he and we need for God's work, I think of: [1]
Courage to stand up against something. [2] Courage to stand for something. Or, [3] Courage to stand with someone.

God calls us to be courageous in this world. Check out this Bible verse: 2 Timothy 1:7-8 (NLT) - "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord."

Do you know that the richest place on the earth is not the diamond mines of South Africa or the gold caves of Ecuador or even the oil fields of Saudi Arabia. No, the richest plot of land on this planet is the cemetery. That’s right! The graveyard is the wealthiest place in all of creation. Beneath those rectangular pieces of dirt and heavy tombstones lie countless unsung heroes with unattained successes and unfulfilled dreams.”

I'm not interested in adding more riches to a cemetery field. I want to take bold and courageous risks for Jesus Christ while I'm still sucking air. This world is in desperate need of people like you to make a difference. It's time to seize the day by asking God for a rich courage to impact your world. Because "a leader of sorts" can never change the world!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Five Tips to Save $$$ this Christmas

I was thinking about some Quick Tips I could pass your way on spending smart this Christmas. Here they are in no particular order:

  • Don’t overreach. Live within your means by giving yourself a limit…and stick to it.
  • Use cash. It’ll be harder to let go of. Plastic is deceiving...and more painful in the end.
  • If you choose NOT to pay with cash, then pay your card off within a month’s time. Don't give these companies your hard-earned money.
  • Don’t try to out-do, impress, or prove anything to anyone…including family.
  • Make this suggestion to your extended family: “How about if we just get gifts for the kids and limit the amount to______!"

Having an incredible Christmas begins and ends with the presence of Christ rather than the presents under a tree.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's Part of Your DNA

Okay, I have 30 seconds to land this principle of life somewhere between your brain and your heart, so here goes...

We just got back from an awesome four-day Cruise in the Caribbean. It was a family reunion on my wife's side. Plenty of sun, fun, and food. While cruising, I observed a phenomenon more apparent than I ever had before. That phenomenon was clearly the fear of not being needed.

Now, I'm sure you've noticed that you like doing things with others you like; sports, dinner out, a movie, cards, coffee, camping, the beach. It's doing life together, aka, COMMUNITY. Here’s my point: All of us… kids, athletes, adults, even really smart or rich people need to be needed and need to be a part of something more significant than just themselves. It’s just how God hard-wired us. It’s built right into our DNA. You can’t get away from it, and if you try, it'll track you down like the IRS when you owe them something.

If we're ever going to reach the apex of SPIRITUAL MOMENTUM in our lives, then the ingredient of COMMUNITY is going to be essential. Without belonging to a spiritual community, we struggle, feel alone, left out, lost, and even lifeless at times. But God has a better plan. He created us to need others and for others to need us. And doing life together is far better than doing life alone.

Question of the day... Are you in a spiritual community?

No More Rules, Please (Part 2)

Rules that come from religion get my goat... ur, goatee. Religion is about rules, ritual, rites, and regulations. What ticked Jesus off so much is religion’s goal… to conform you and me to a man-made standard.

Religion says "Do something good and you’ll be accepted"
Jesus says, "Do something good b/c you are accepted"
Religion says, "I’m only valuable to God if I do right"
Jesus says, "I’m intrinsically valuable to God apart from right or wrong"
Religion drives people away from knowing God
Jesus invites people to know the true God
Religion rubs it in
Jesus rubs it out
Religion points the finger at others when they do something wrong
Jesus says, before you point the finger, make sure you’re perfect
Religion is the first to condemn
Jesus is the first to pardon
Religion makes you a slave
Jesus makes you free
Religion says "NO fun and NO laughing and NO having a good time"
Jesus laughs at that and says, "Go ahead and do it anyway"
Religion kills (killed Jesus)
Jesus gives life


Religion has never been God’s idea because it can only conform us. Jesus has the power to transform us. Truth is, Jesus has only two rules...that's right, just two: [1] Love God. [2] Love Others. Thanks Jesus; I appreciate the "no more rules" approach you give.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

No More Rules, Please (Part 1)

Doesn't it suck how certain places make you feel uncomfortable with their rules? There are three that intimidate me the most:

1. Golf pro-shops. “Proper clothes & etiquette required.” It’s like if I don't dress the "right way" (their way), I'm not allowed to hit a stupid ball. I hate rules!

2. Ritzy hotels. Once for our wedding anniversary, my younger bro got Julie (my drop-dead gorgeous wife) and me a room in Boca Raton, FL at this posh hotel. I remember driving up in our Ford Escort while all other cars were Beemers, Jags and Mercedes. Very uncomfortable from the time we arrived. More rules.

3. Restaurants that own too much silverware. I hate having to dress up and go into a restaurant that gives you 4 plates, 3 knives, 2.5 spoons and 5 different forks. And then to have to sit at a table with someone who knows what each one is for. No thanks; just give me one of each and I'm good! I guess some guy had nothing better to do than to make up rules for which fork to use. No more rules, please!

But you know what's worse than all that put together? The most uncomfortable place I've even been in is the Church. It’s often INTIMIDATING & WEIRD and yet I have a sneeking suspicion that Jesus never intended it to be that way. The religious talk, plastic smiles, judgmental attitudes, and lists of do's &don'ts. Ugh!

Who would ever want to follow Jesus if “IT'S ALL ABOUT THE RULES”? NO fun, NO movies, NO dancing, NO MISSING CHURCH… unfortunately that sort of baggage is what MAN-MADE RELIGION is all about. Believe it or not, Jesus...the God of the Bible is VERY DIFFERENT. Next time, part-two.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

7 Reasons Why I Serve Others

Get used to it. God is nuts-and-a-half about people. Don't think so? Just look around and think and see with fresh eyes the myriad of good things he has already done for us since the beginning of time. Though, for millennia's, humanity has found a way to royally screw up what God has given as gifts, He has never stopped displaying his love to us...never stopped serving us (via answered prayer, daily provision, inner peace, a reason for existence, etc.)

He's captured my heart and now I want to capture His heart and serve others. Here are 7 reasons why I want to serve other people:

1. Out of personal love & gratitude for the God (Jesus) who came to serve me.
2. Because of the community that often happens.
3. Because someone might see a little of God's goodness when I serve them.
4. Because God gifted me (and you) so I can serve others with my life.
5. Because I’m wired to sacrifice.
6. Because I'm fulfilled when I serve others.
7. Because God is honored and greatly pleased when I serve people.

So, why not chew on this 30 second message for the next 24 hours and look for opportunities to partner with God in serving humanity?!?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

'MO'... Your Best Friend

A man’s best friend? A dog. A women’s best friend? A diamond. Shouldn’t this tell us guys something about our I.Q.? Get the diamonds and sell them, then go buy a dog & dog food. While you’re at it, go ahead and pick up that large Plasma TV with theater quality surround can afford it now! It’s all about choosing the best kind of friend.

Ever think about what a Christian’s best friend oughta be? How ‘bout momentum!?! Athletes know that momentum is the most unstoppable force in sports. A rock bands one hit-song could produce the momentum they need to go worldwide. As Christ followers, possessing the right kind of ‘mo’ can propel us into a fresh and renewed experience with God. Jesus tells us that what’s most important is not where we are today in our lives, but in what direction we’ll be headed tomorrow.

Here’s a spiritual six-pack that will give you the momentum you need to get tight with God again.

1. The WORD OF GOD—inhale it.
2. Your TONGUE—honor God with it.
3. SERVING OTHERS—just do it.
4. The MESSAGE—gotta tell it.
5. BENJAMINS—give it.
6. COMMUNITY—belong to it.