What’s on your mind lately? Politics, money, food, ballgames, church, cars, God…what is it?
I guess blogging is all about weighing in and then shouting out your two-cents. So here’s my shout for the day.
For far too long now in our culture—Christianity as a whole has been looked upon with great suspicion as being illegitimate because of a lot of talk mixed with little walk. For the last three decades many Americans have had enough of “Sunday Christians, plastic Christians, closet Christians, and preachers who pointed their fingers and yelled about hell, fire, and brimstone, but failed to live up to their own words.
The word hypocrisy became commonplace in the vocabulary of many and was used to denounce Christians and the Christian faith. Society basically turned away from community churches because, although we talked a good game, we talked way too much smack but didn’t do jack and therefore lost enormous credibility.
But in the midst of all that, God was still at work, changing lives. He's been grabbing hold of common, everyday kinds of people and pastors and church leaders who really cared about walking the walk. And today, at the end of the first decade of the new millennium, I think we are on the verge of reclaiming—at least some of what was previously lost because of the hypocritical nature of God’s church.
My two-cents is just this: I question if we, Christ followers, really understand that the way we live our daily lives; the journey we tell others we are on with God has more impact on culture than we might ever believe.
So, I wonder about the “get it’ factor, because sometimes I think we’re oblivious or indifferent to the influence we really exert. In the estimation of Jesus Christ, it’s particularly crucial that we choose to represent God well to the world, if we ever have the hope of reaching them with the message of true life. Representing Him well is about taking the new life God put inside of you…and turning it inside-out so others can have the best seats in the house to see what He is all about.
Understanding that it matters to God what those at work think of you is on the money. It matters to God what your family thinks of you. It matters to God what your neighbors or your waitress, or your boss, or employees, or that new Christian thinks of you! Ultimately, it should matter to you what God thinks of you.
And this is exactly the reason why God placed His Spirit inside of you…so you and I can represent Him extremely well on this blue planet we call earth.
Isn't it time for all of us to step up and become in character, the person God has enabled you to be.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Seven Wonders (Part 3)
Incredible, isn’t it; the way God made the Seven Wonders of the Natural World so spectacular? In case you’ve forgotten what they are, I’ve listed them for you:
[1] Mount Everest in Nepal [2] Victoria Falls in Zambia/Zimbabwe [3] Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA [4] Great Barrier Reef in Australia [5] Northern Lights [6] Paricutin volcano in Mexico [7] Harbor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Google these and what you’ll see is…gorgeous, breathtaking & stunning.
Still more stunning and even awe-inspiring is the Seven Wonders of the Spiritual World. We’ve covered the first four; now let me put a wrap on the last three. [5] God Guides Me [6] God Uses Me, and [7] God Satisfies Me.
God Guides…me, you, us! How cool is that? It’s His desire and delight, and no, He doesn’t play games with our lives—choosing to give us His guidance sometimes and at other times, not. His guidance is always available…we just have to position our lives in such a way so that we can perceive what He is saying. God will speak frequently to us through His Word (the Bible); by the leadership of the Holy Spirit; and sometimes even by circumstances.
The Lord also Uses those willing to follow Him. This is not only the 6th wonder, it’s still a wonder to me to this day! Why would a perfect, holy, all-powerful God choose to use little ole me? I guess the point God wants me to understand is that I don’t have to understand. All I have to do is say, ‘Yes!’ So, how ‘bout it? Let’s just say ‘Yes!’ to God’s desire to use us. Deal?
Finally, the seventh Wonder of the Spiritual World is all about Satisfaction. Many people never seem satisfied, & almost everybody wants more. A little child wants more toys & more television time. A teenager wants more freedom & more popularity. Most of us adults want more possessions & more leisure time. Certainly as we age, we want more health, more friends, & more loyalty from our children.
God is the ultimate satisfier. He satisfies us with His provision, protection, and peace.
When you think deeply, really deeply about the Seven Wonders of the Spiritual World, no doubt you will want to fall to your knees and fall in love with God all over again. How could it be any other way!?!?
[1] Mount Everest in Nepal [2] Victoria Falls in Zambia/Zimbabwe [3] Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA [4] Great Barrier Reef in Australia [5] Northern Lights [6] Paricutin volcano in Mexico [7] Harbor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Google these and what you’ll see is…gorgeous, breathtaking & stunning.
Still more stunning and even awe-inspiring is the Seven Wonders of the Spiritual World. We’ve covered the first four; now let me put a wrap on the last three. [5] God Guides Me [6] God Uses Me, and [7] God Satisfies Me.
God Guides…me, you, us! How cool is that? It’s His desire and delight, and no, He doesn’t play games with our lives—choosing to give us His guidance sometimes and at other times, not. His guidance is always available…we just have to position our lives in such a way so that we can perceive what He is saying. God will speak frequently to us through His Word (the Bible); by the leadership of the Holy Spirit; and sometimes even by circumstances.
The Lord also Uses those willing to follow Him. This is not only the 6th wonder, it’s still a wonder to me to this day! Why would a perfect, holy, all-powerful God choose to use little ole me? I guess the point God wants me to understand is that I don’t have to understand. All I have to do is say, ‘Yes!’ So, how ‘bout it? Let’s just say ‘Yes!’ to God’s desire to use us. Deal?
Finally, the seventh Wonder of the Spiritual World is all about Satisfaction. Many people never seem satisfied, & almost everybody wants more. A little child wants more toys & more television time. A teenager wants more freedom & more popularity. Most of us adults want more possessions & more leisure time. Certainly as we age, we want more health, more friends, & more loyalty from our children.
God is the ultimate satisfier. He satisfies us with His provision, protection, and peace.
When you think deeply, really deeply about the Seven Wonders of the Spiritual World, no doubt you will want to fall to your knees and fall in love with God all over again. How could it be any other way!?!?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Seven Wonders (Part 2)
Here’s a “pop-quiz” with seven multiple choices and a chance to respond below:
Question: What is authentic spiritual transformation (the 4th of seven spiritual wonders) all about?
A. Trying to be a good person
B. Giving up stuff
C. Committing myself to something better
D. Following through on my word
E. Quitting my bad habits
F. All of the above
G. None of the above
If you answered a, b, c, d, e, or f – you think like most people. But most people are wrong when it comes to the 4th spiritual wonder… how “God Transforms Me.”
Notice the common denominator in all of these… self-effort! But true biblical transformation is never about self-effort.
Instead, biblical transformation is: “A radical, noticeable change that takes place within the human heart, not because of personal effort, but because of an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ.”
We can try to change from the inside on our own – so we will be changed on the outside, but we will ultimately fail. REMINDS ME OF POPEYE THE SAILOR MAN: “I YAM WHAT I YAM, AND THAT’S ALL THAT I YAM!”
Transformation always begins from within. It’s “an inside job” that can and should happen in small and sometimes big ways, regularly.
Remember this: Real transformation is always about our yieldedness to what God wants to do in us!
Agree or disagree? Why or why not? Talk back and be heard!
Question: What is authentic spiritual transformation (the 4th of seven spiritual wonders) all about?
A. Trying to be a good person
B. Giving up stuff
C. Committing myself to something better
D. Following through on my word
E. Quitting my bad habits
F. All of the above
G. None of the above
If you answered a, b, c, d, e, or f – you think like most people. But most people are wrong when it comes to the 4th spiritual wonder… how “God Transforms Me.”
Notice the common denominator in all of these… self-effort! But true biblical transformation is never about self-effort.
Instead, biblical transformation is: “A radical, noticeable change that takes place within the human heart, not because of personal effort, but because of an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ.”
We can try to change from the inside on our own – so we will be changed on the outside, but we will ultimately fail. REMINDS ME OF POPEYE THE SAILOR MAN: “I YAM WHAT I YAM, AND THAT’S ALL THAT I YAM!”
Transformation always begins from within. It’s “an inside job” that can and should happen in small and sometimes big ways, regularly.
Remember this: Real transformation is always about our yieldedness to what God wants to do in us!
Agree or disagree? Why or why not? Talk back and be heard!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Seven Wonders
Some time ago, a guy named Bill Hybels wrote a book called, “Seven Wonders of the Spiritual World.” I loved that book and thought that, if you haven’t heard of it, you would let me share with you, as best as I can remember, what those seven wonders actually are.
The list goes like this: [1] You Matter to God [2] God Can be Trusted [3] God Forgives Me [4] God Transforms Me [5] God Guides Me [6] God Uses Me, and [7] God Satisfies Me.
This fantastic list is just that…almost too fantastic to believe, or better yet, it’s “out of this world.” Well, it actually is.
Go ahead; take a look at that short list again. Did you drop your chin like I did when you first read that catalog of what God is really like toward us? I mean, did you read it carefully, thoughtfully?
You Matter To God: Many people doubt God’s love for them for various reasons. No one told us God loves us…Things go wrong…We think we’re too bad of a person… But the Scripture tells us something just the opposite. It says, “I pray… you be able to feel and understand how long, how wide, how deep, and how high His love really is; and to experience this love for yourselves.” Ephesians 3:17-19
God Can Be Trusted: Whoever told us that God is a million miles away or didn’t care about “our little, petty problems” should read the Bible more. Jesus told us that God cares (about all things that concern us) and that he is near to us rather than far. The bible says in 1 Peter 5:7 for us to “cast on God’s shoulders all our cares and worries because He cares for us.” That’s good news!
God Forgives Me: Really? Me and all my baggage? Yes! Actually, He forgave you about 2000 years ago when he died on a cross for your sin and mine. Here’s how God himself put it: “Oh, what joy for those whose rebellion is forgiven, whose sin is put out of sight! Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin…” Psalm 32:1-2
When you look at the first three of the seven listed, you can see that God is totally “on point” when it comes to how awesome He is toward us.
Next posting, I will wrap us the last four of the “Seven Wonders of the Spiritual World” with Part 2.
Hey, I’d like to hear what you think. Go ahead and post any thoughts, feelings, or experiences you’d like to share. i'm sure you'll be an encouragement to others!
The list goes like this: [1] You Matter to God [2] God Can be Trusted [3] God Forgives Me [4] God Transforms Me [5] God Guides Me [6] God Uses Me, and [7] God Satisfies Me.
This fantastic list is just that…almost too fantastic to believe, or better yet, it’s “out of this world.” Well, it actually is.
Go ahead; take a look at that short list again. Did you drop your chin like I did when you first read that catalog of what God is really like toward us? I mean, did you read it carefully, thoughtfully?
You Matter To God: Many people doubt God’s love for them for various reasons. No one told us God loves us…Things go wrong…We think we’re too bad of a person… But the Scripture tells us something just the opposite. It says, “I pray… you be able to feel and understand how long, how wide, how deep, and how high His love really is; and to experience this love for yourselves.” Ephesians 3:17-19
God Can Be Trusted: Whoever told us that God is a million miles away or didn’t care about “our little, petty problems” should read the Bible more. Jesus told us that God cares (about all things that concern us) and that he is near to us rather than far. The bible says in 1 Peter 5:7 for us to “cast on God’s shoulders all our cares and worries because He cares for us.” That’s good news!
God Forgives Me: Really? Me and all my baggage? Yes! Actually, He forgave you about 2000 years ago when he died on a cross for your sin and mine. Here’s how God himself put it: “Oh, what joy for those whose rebellion is forgiven, whose sin is put out of sight! Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin…” Psalm 32:1-2
When you look at the first three of the seven listed, you can see that God is totally “on point” when it comes to how awesome He is toward us.
Next posting, I will wrap us the last four of the “Seven Wonders of the Spiritual World” with Part 2.
Hey, I’d like to hear what you think. Go ahead and post any thoughts, feelings, or experiences you’d like to share. i'm sure you'll be an encouragement to others!
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